40 research outputs found


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    Performance improvement in supply chains, taking into account customer demand in the tactical planning process is essential. It is more and more difficult for the customers to ensure a certain level of demand over a medium term horizon as their own customers ask them for personalisation and fast adaptation. It is thus necessary to develop methods and decision support systems to reconcile the order and book processes. In this context, this paper intends firstly to relate decision under uncertainty and the industrial point of view based on the notion of risk management. This serves as a basis for the definition of an approach based on simulation and decision theory that is dedicated to the design of cooperative processes in a customer-supplier relationship. This approach includes the evaluation, in terms of risk, of different cooperative processes using a simulation-dedicated tool. The evaluation process is based on an exploitation of decision theory concepts and methods. The implementation of the approach is illustrated on an academic example typical of the aeronautics supply chain.supply chain, simulation, cooperation, decision theory, risk


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    To improve the supply chains performance, taking into account the customer demand in the tactical planning process is essential. It is more and more difficult for the customers to insure a certain level of demand over a medium term period. Then it is necessary to develop methods and decision support systems to reconcile the order and book processes. In this context, this paper aims at introducing a collaboration support tool and methodology dedicated to a dyadic supply chain. This approach aims at evaluating in term of risks different demand management strategies within the supply chain using a simulation dedicated tool. The evaluation process is based on an exploitation of decision theory and game theory concepts and methods.supply chain ; simulation ; collaboration ; decision theory ; risk


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    10 pages. Papier soumis et accepté à MOSIM 2008La prise en compte de la demande client pour la planification tactique dans les chaînes logistiques est un enjeu crucial pour leur bon fonctionnement. L'environnement concurrentiel actuel rend difficile l'engagement des clients sur le moyen terme. Dès lors, il est nécessaire de développer des méthodes et outils pour s'adapter au mieux à une demande fluctuante. Dans ce contexte, cet article s'attache à appliquer à la gestion de la demande une terminologie issue de la théorie de la décision sous incertitude. Les liens entre cette terminologie et une approche industrielle basée sur la notion de risques sont présentés. Ensuite, un outil de simulation orienté sur la relation clientfournisseur est présenté. Cet outil a pour objectif d'évaluer, grâce à un ensemble de critères d'aide à la décision dont l'application est rendue possible par la démarche étymologique initiale, de guider un décideur sur ses choix en matière de planification. Cette orientation est basée à la fois sur une évaluation des gains possibles suite à l'application d'une stratégie de planification donnée mais aussi au degré d'optimisme associé au sens du critère d'Hurwicz

    Design of Cooperative Processes in a Customer-Supplier Relationship: An Approach Based on Simulation and Decision Theory

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    Performance improvement in supply chains, taking into account customer demand in the tactical planning process is essential. It is more and more difficult for the customers to ensure a certain level of demand over a medium term horizon as their own customers ask them for personalisation and fast adaptation. It is thus necessary to develop methods and decision support systems to reconcile the order and book processes. In this context, this paper intends firstly to relate decision under uncertainty and the industrial point of view based on the notion of risk management. This serves as a basis for the definition of an approach based on simulation and decision theory that is dedicated to the design of cooperative processes in a customer-supplier relationship. This approach includes the evaluation, in terms of risk, of different cooperative processes using a simulation-dedicated tool. The evaluation process is based on an exploitation of decision theory concepts and methods. The implementation of the approach is illustrated on an academic example typical of the aeronautics supply chain.Comment: Soumis et accept\'e \`a EAAI en attente publicatio


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    La prise en compte de la demande client pour la planification tactique dans les chaînes logistiques est un enjeu crucial pour leur bon fonctionnement. L'environnement concurrentiel actuel rend difficile l'engagement des clients sur le moyen terme. Dès lors, il est nécessaire de développer des méthodes et outils pour s'adapter au mieux à une demande fluctuante. Dans ce contexte, cet article s'attache à appliquer à la gestion de la demande une terminologie issue de la théorie de la décision sous incertitude. Les liens entre cette terminologie et une approche industrielle basée sur la notion de risques sont présentés. Ensuite, un outil de simulation orienté sur la relation clientfournisseur est présenté. Cet outil a pour objectif d'évaluer, grâce à un ensemble de critères d'aide à la décision dont l'application est rendue possible par la démarche étymologique initiale, de guider un décideur sur ses choix en matière de planification. Cette orientation est basée à la fois sur une évaluation des gains possibles suite à l'application d'une stratégie de planification donnée mais aussi au degré d'optimisme associé au sens du critère d'Hurwicz.simulation ; horizon glissant ; planification ; risques

    The VESP Model: A Conceptual Model of Supply Chain Vulnerability

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    International audienceDuring the last decade, researchers and practitioners became more interested in the domain of vulnerability analysis. It is considered as a key element in defining and managing supply chain risks. The great complexity of a global supply chain and of its environment, coupled with managerial trends, makes such a chain more vulnerable to disruptive events. A clear understanding of the possible consequences generated of this combination is a fundamental step to build an effective risk management plan and strategies. However, more studies are needed in order to develop the understanding of supply chain vulnerability. This article provides an explorative framework in order to analyze and quantify vulnerability within supply chains. Based on the existent literature, this article explores the factors that affect the level of Supply Chain Vulnerability (SCV). Four key components of SCV are identified (i.e. Exposure, Sensitivity, Susceptibility and Preparedness level). Based on these four categories of SCV, a conceptual model is developed. Such a model enables the definition of clear metrics and can further be used by researchers and practitioners to build consistent quantification methodologies

    Smart city projects and improvement of public service supply chains

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    International audienceThe involvement in smart city initiatives is a key factor of changes in modern cities. It drives the integration of ICT, the development of collaborative behaviours, and the involvement of people in the life of the city. This paper is interested in the impact of such initiatives on the performance of public services and on the supply chains that provide these services. Based on the example of the Toulouse metropolis in France, it shows that smart city initiatives are becoming a vector for instilling continuous improvement in public services

    Towards a crisis performance-measurement system

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    International audienceDuring a crisis, the main goal for decision-makers consists in restoring a stabilised nominal mode. The stakeholders face considerable pressure and drastic constraints in response time and coordination. This study proposes a method to support these stakeholders in making responsive and accurate decisions while carrying out a performance evaluation of the activities that run during the crisis-response process. This method is composed of four steps: (1) characterisation of the crisis-response system, (2) selection of system components to evaluate in priority, (3) determination of performance dimensions to consider and (4) creation of indicators. Currently, performance evaluation is only used subsequent to a crisis, due to difficulties in gathering and aggregating information into trustable performance indicators. This paper proposes a method to obtain a relevant and dynamic decision-support system. Decision-makers will use it to resolve the crisis based on performance evaluation, in addition to the essential experience they undergo. A case study of crisis management within the French Red Cross non-governmental organisation is developed, through a Web-based prototype, in order to explain how performance indicators can both support crisis-response management and improve the collaboration of stakeholders

    Aide à la planification dans les chaînes logistiques en présence de demande flexible

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    In the global context of middle term planning of Supply Chains, this work suggests an approach aiming at improving the coordination between supply chain's partners. This approach aims at 1) providing the manager with a good visibility of his capacity to answer a demand pervaded by uncertainty and 2) allowing him to compare the various decisions he can make along time. In that purpose, a simulation framework for supply chain planning based on a mixed integer linear programming model, implemented with Xpress-MP(r), is proposed. Such a framework allows the simulation of a complete rolling horizon planning process. This tool is built in order to simulate and evaluate several scenarios for comparative studies of 1) temporal constraints linked to the necessary anticipation of decisions and 2) the introduction and management of uncertain demand in the planning process. Numerical experiments show that a better handling of suppliers and customers characteristics in the planning process can improve the supply chain efficiency.Dans le contexte général de la planification à moyen terme de chaînes logistiques, cette thèse propose une approche permettant d'améliorer la coordination interentreprises. Cette approche a été construite dans le but de 1) donner au décideur de la visibilité sur sa capacité à répondre à une demande entachée d'incertitude et 2) lui permettre de comparer les différentes décisions qu'il peut prendre au cours du temps. Pour cela, une modélisation locale de la planification des chaînes logistiques basée sur un modèle linéaire en variables mixtes multipériode, multiproduit, implémenté avec le logiciel Xpress-MP(r), est proposée. Le modèle développé est intégré à un cadre simulation pour réaliser un processus complet de planification à horizon glissant. Un tel outil a pour vocation de proposer, simuler et évaluer différents scénarios possibles pour 1) l'intégration des contraintes temporelles liées à l'anticipation nécessaire à l'application concrète d'une décision et 2) la prise en compte d'une demande incertaine. Des expérimentations numériques montrent qu'une bonne interprétation des caractéristiques des clients et fournisseurs dans le processus de planification améliore la performance de la chaîne